Noticia de convocatoria de
The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE), a través de la Prof. Angela Donati, Secretaria General de la
AIEGL. Al final se invita a la participación internacional.
Me ha parecido llamativo, y sugestivo, que los resúmenes de las ponencias para el congreso deban enviarse
de forma anónima, para su estudio por una comisión de la ASGLE. con lo que es obvio que lo que les interesa es lo que se quiere decir, y no quién lo va a decir. Notable diferencia con España y "otros países europeos de nuestro entorno", en los que esto, que yo recuerde, no se hace nunca.
Por nuestros lares en concreto suelen primar otros factores, y no digo que siempre sean peores, pero muchas veces sabes que, según quiénes los organicen, a determinados congresos siempre van a ser matemáticamente invitad@s de honor X, Y y Z, aunque lo que digan sea lo de siempre o una "faena de aliño" que se llama. Y,
a sensu contrario, que A o B jamás serán invitad@s, ni bienvenid@s, por mucho interés que puedan tener sus aportaciones, o incluso aunque sean expertos en el tema del congreso. Y hasta cierto punto es lógico, en un sistema académico tan dependiente de la tradicional
devotio Iberica y las camarillas. Quizá por detalles como éste los USA se llevan la parte del león en la ciencia internacional, aunque no sea precisamente en estos campos. Su mentalidad es parecida: nada de funcionariados
in perpetuum: los puestos hay que ganarlos -y mantenerlos- exclusivamente a base de eficacia y de resultados.
The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE) invites abstracts for the
First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, to be held on
January 5th, 2011 in San Antonio, Texas at the
Marriott Riverwalk, over the course of a single day, immediately before the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association (APA) and the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). The topic will be broadly defined as Greek and Latin Epigraphy.
Abstracts will be adjudicated anonymously by a committee of ASGLE; they should include the title but not the author’s name and they should not be longer than one double-spaced page. There is a limit of one abstract per person. The abstracts themselves, along with a completed abstract submission form, should be sent electronically as pdf files to: Nora Dimitrova, Vice-President, ASGLE, at The deadline is June 15, 2010.
Registration for the Congress must be made
online here. The registration fee before December 1, 2010 is $35 for student and $50 for non-student participants, which includes a group dinner. After December 1, 2010 the rate will be $50 for students and $70 for non-students. ASGLE full members receive a $10 discount and ASGLE student/retirees a $5.00 discount. To become a member of ASGLE, see here. There will be a stipend available for at least one student whose abstract is accepted.
In the future, these congresses are expected to be held immediately before the APA/AIA meetings. This should have the additional benefit of attracting a large number of Classicists and archaeologists to the audience of the congress and promoting epigraphy among graduate students attending the meetings.
Interested scholars from all countries are encouraged to participate.
Paul A. Iversen
Assistant Professor
Department of Classics
Case Western Reserve University
American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Mailing Address:
CWRU Department of Classics
111 Mather House
11201 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland,OH 44106-7111
Phone: 216-368-2352
Fax: 216-368-4681