Documental sobre Seuthes, rey de Tracia

Detalles del evento

Documental sobre Seuthes, rey de Tracia

Hora: mayo 19, 2009 de 7:30pm a 8:30pm
Ubicación: Tarragona, Casa Triangular
Calle: Plaça d'en Ripoll 10 baixos A
Ciudad/Pueblo: Tarragona
Tipo de evento: presentación, de, documental
Organizado por: Varios Organismos oficiales de Bulgaria y España
Última actividad: 24 Feb 2016

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Descripción del evento

Hoy Martes 19 se proyecta en Tarragona un documental sobre la figura del rey tracio Seuthes III. No está claro si existirá un debate después de la proyección, pero el documental promete, según lo que comentan aquí unos estudiosos de la cultura Tracia, a quienes he robado los "detalles" del evento. Gregorio Luri fue uno de los asesores del documental.


Comentario por Rossitza Ohridska-Olson el mayo 19, 2009 a las 3:30pm
No podre ir, pero para contribuir a los que tambien estan lejos de Tarragona, aqui son algunas fotos:

Aqui es mi texto de la tumba, en ingles. Pronto lo traducire en espanol, para los que no entienden este idioma.

The Kosmatka Tomb - Seuth III Temple and Tomb in the Valley of the Thracian Kings

 2008 Rossitza Ohridska-Olson

Dedicated to Dr. Georgi Kitov

One of the most impressive monuments of the Thracian civilization in the Valley of the Thracian Kings, is the Heroon (a Temple-Tomb of a Hero of Royal status) of Sueth III. It was discovered on September 4th 2004, by the famous Bulgarian archaeologist Georgi Kitov (1943-2008). The temple was buried under the 20 m high (ap. 66 ft) “Golyamata Kosmatka” mound.

It represents a remarkable Thracian Heroon built accordingly to the Thracian Orphic cult traditions of the end of V C. /beginning of the IV C. BCE. Serving also as a symbolic tomb of Seuth III, it contained an enormous treasure, exhibited now in the Kazanluk Museum and Art Gallery “Iskra”. More than 70 silver, gold and bronze objects, which were used as ritual offering to the Gods, were discovered during the excavations.

The Temple was used between the end of the V C. BCE and the beginning of the III C BCE, when a symbolic burial ceremony of Seuth III took place, the famous founder of the Thracian city of Seuthopolis, located only 10 km (7.5 miles) away. After the symbolic burial ceremony, the Temple was closed and the entrance sealed and buried.


The Thracian Heroon (Temple Tomb) Goliamata Kosmatka is comprised by a 13 m (app. 42 ft) dromus (hallway), an antechamber and a burial chamber. A 26 m (app. 89 ft) procession road leads to the temple’s main entrance.

From the monumental entrance, the dromus leads to a small circular antechamber with vaulted ceiling. Both the dromus and the antechamber are built with large cut stones, linked together in places by bronze braces or just shaped to perfectly fit the architectural design. There were frescoes on the walls of the dromus and the antechamber, which were damaged by fire in the Antiquity, and, unfortunately, lost forever.

Two marble doors, leading to the main chamber, are ornate and painted with red and ochre. The heads of Helios/Apollo and Medusa or Dionysus are sculpted with magnificent artistry on the doors. The theory of the second head being of Dionysus belongs to Prof. Valeria Fol and it makes sense for a Thracian Heroon: Helios is the symbol of the heaven/sun world and Dionysus – the mediator between the afterward and the underworld.

The main burial chamber is a sarcophagus type, with a large offerings/burial bed, an offerings table and a round cupola ceiling with a central keystone. The offerings/burial bed is made out of one single piece of stone weighting 60 m tones. It was also decorated with red paintings, remains of which can be seen even now. The ritual bed was covered with gold and red fabric, fra


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