Red social de Arqueologos e Historiadores
This video presents a fly-through of the latest version of Rome Reborn (2.2). The new version incorporates some new content (including the Pantheon) and for the first time includes animations.
Rome Reborn is an international initiative to create a 3D digital model of the ancient city as it might have appeared in A.D. 320. For more about the project, please see:
For more information, contact the project director, Prof. Bernard Frischer at:; cell +1-310-266-0183
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Arqueologia, Historia Antigua y Medieval - Terrae Antiqvae
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Información legal: Terrae Antiqvae® es Marca registrada por José Luis Santos Fernández. Marca nº 2.679.154 - Clase 41, Madrid, España. Reservados todos los Derechos. En Internet desde Julio de 2001.
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© 2025 Creado por José Luis Santos Fernández.
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