Son trece sitio nuevamente entradas a la list de las propridades culturales del mundo
New Inscribed Properties - 2009
The following cultural properties have been inscribed on the World Heritage List ....
Sacred City of Caral-Supe, Peru
"The 5000-year-old 626-hectare archaeological site of The Sacred City of Caral-Supe is situated on a dry desert terrace overlooking the green valley of the Supe river. It dates back to the Late Archaic Period of the Central Andes and is the oldest centre of civilization in the Americas. Exceptionally well-preserved, the site is impressive in terms of its design and the complexity of its architectural, especially its monumental stone and earthen platform mounts and sunken circular courts. One of 18 urban settlements situated in the same area, Caral features complex and monumental architecture, including six large pyramidal structures. A quipu (the knot system used in Andean civilizations to record information) found on the site testifies to the development and complexity of Caral society. The city’s plan and some of its components, including pyramidal structures and residence of the elite, show clear evidence of ceremonial functions, signifying a powerful religious ideology."
Una manera de ver las ruinas es con Google Earth™ Placemarks:
Otras ruinas de los Andes y otras regiones:
Ancient Monuments Placemarks:
Entre ellos la via Incaica es muy popular. Me gusto mucho hallar/seguir en el mundo virtual la ruta del gran canal de los Moches.
Una palabra editorial. Evidencia de una actividad tradicional, o sea "evidence of ceremonial functions" no es necesariamente evidencia de religion, "a powerful religious ideology." La interpretacion en la arqueologia no se acuerda, y frequentemente expresa mas sobre pensamentos contemporaneos que conocimientos antiguos. Discuto esta cuestion en unos articulos:
Early Monumental Architecture of the Peruvian Coast
Teotihuacan Mural Art:
Assessing the Accuracy of its Interpretation
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