Archaeological location“Svete Vodice“ was located on the west terrace of river Tamiš, 3 km away
from the road Zrenjanin- Beograd.
Excavating have been done in the area of greatest concentration construction debris,where a sonda was opened and fundaments of a small church were founded which had the dimensions 10,8 x 6 meters.
Campaign was continued and based on the south wall of the church, where the probe was opened and
84 graves were examined with a lot of dislocated bones. Bones were dislocated in situ, usage as in medieval Montenegro, poured by wine and usually delayed at the feet subsequent burial.
Graves had formed regular rows, and individuals are being dug in a simple grave.
The dead were buried in a extended position, oriented west-east, to some degree to the north.
In 4 of total 84 skeletons found, in situ 5 „S“ earrings were found.
Movable archaeological material makes fragmented pottery from X-XIII century A.D.

Some causes of death are common to all age groups which are gastrointestinal and respiratory
infections and diarrhea.
Diet and type of food also result in some changes on the bones of the skull.

When talking about this site, disorder and dislocation of bones arises because subsequent burial,
and the remains of charred wood derived from custom incense grave.

At the archaeological site „Svete Vodice“ medieval cemetery in “the ranks” was discovered.
On that cemetary individuals were buried in the Christian tradition in the west- east orientation.
As an enclosure of childern graves “S“ earrings artifacts are present.
“S“ earrings were favorite decorations in all the Slavic tribes , and among the Hungarian, often observed at the necropolis X-XII century A.D. in the former Yugoslavia.

Of a total of 84 graves discovered, 26 are children's graves which indicates a high infant mortality.
highest mortality was observed in children aged between 2 and 5 (14 skeletons), followed by children aged up to one year (11 skeletons), juveniles ( 5 skeletons), and children ages infans I (1 skeleton).

I noted with your permission that the population of this archaeological site was exposed to unhealthy living conditions who is in her costume, caused paleopathological changes.
Poor diet, food uniformity resulted in some changes on the bones of the skull. We can conclude that such a high neonatal mortality rate indicates a very poor sanitary conditions, inadequate food that caused cribra orbitalia, errors in ossification and increased exposure to infections.

Visitas: 193


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