Red social de Arqueologos e Historiadores
According to the report from archaeologist Nenad Šošić[1],the grave is belonged to a male person.
Skeleton has been well preserved, but the skull was very damaged
during the tillage, when a grave was discovered.
Grave is orientated W-E (skull in west, with a gentle deviation of the head (5-10%) to the north.
Hands were placed beside the body.
Grave is shallow, probably because of the washing of the soil.
Grave is located one metre under the top of sloping ground.
According to the measuring, skull is hyper cranial, and skull circumference equals to the skull
circumference of a child at the age of 6.
According to the valid formulas, corporal height was 181.8 ± 3.14 cm.
Pathological findings
1.Skeleton age
According to the skull bones, presence of the suture that are showing that the age of skeleton is about 33 years old.
By pathological findings of the spine (under assumption) that he lived, and worked in „hard-working conditions“ pathological changes are showing that the skeleton is at age of 45-55 years.
According to this thesis; abrasive changes on teeth of the lower jaw (mandible),can be found and are showing age of 45-55 years, again.
But if we presume that this skeleton was a man who survived thanks to hard labour, then anatomical changes on vertebrae could be the consequence of that hard labour, and then skeleton would belong to younger person.
For this assumption to be correct it is needed second term.That term implies that most likely he belonged to the lowest social structures of that time,and most likely he was eating granular food.
Our individual had paradentosis, he never had otitis medium, he never had scleroticus blood vessels.
It is most likely that he had discus-hernia between 12 thoracic and first dorsal vertebra,and then between third and fourth dorsal vertebra.
This defect may be caused by a number of factors- genetic, chromosome disorders, environment,
and factors of unknown origin.
Environmental causes include prenatal radiation, infections(including rubella and toxoplasmosis).
Women with phenylketonuria (PKU) may also give birth to microcephalic children.
Microcephaly may be inherited but the gene is considered to be extremely rare.
In the general population, microcephaly due to genetic factors occurs in 30.000 to 50.000 live births.
True hereditary microcephalics live an average- lenght life span, yet some die early due to other
congenital defects or infectious diseases.
However, it is important to note that not all individuals with microcephaly will be retarded and have
neurologic abnormalities.
Some are entirely normal[2] like our man.
Visible diseases on spine:
1.Spondylosis- is a result of a lasting degenerative process with hypertrophic mutations, making osteophytes.
Spondylosis begins because excessive force is applied on spine joints, ours individual was doing probably, some kind of hard work.
Osteophytes are cleary visible in this skeleton implying that is was a mature man (40-50 years) They were formed because of aging, degeneration, mechanical instability and disease(skeletal hyperostosis).
Osteophytes are characteristics of osteoarthritis.
They are occuring in joints because of damage and wearing out (as consequence of an inflammation).
Calcification can also be reported as a reply on mechanical damage at joints.
2.Scoliosis- is curvature of the spine, type“S“ from side to side.
Usually it is classified as a congenital caused anomalies of vertebrae and is present at birth.
Then, it can be idiopathic-of an unknown cause,classified as infantile, minor, in adolescents and adults.
In our case scoliosis is acquired, as a result of heavy physical work.
Regardless of sutures coalesce together at the age of 30, (that is not our case), this man died before
his sixties. He was 45-55 years when he died and he was eating a healthy food, wich is supported by
the impression of brain blood vessels on the skull.
They are without clearly visible widening. That speaks that this man did not had congenital anomalies (aneurysm-extended blood vessels),and he did not had atherosclerotic changes.
Our individual belonged to lower social strata, probably was a farmer, he did not lived an easy life and was eating modestly.
This person had a good heart condition, in this time lived a very long life, and very likely died because of an infection.
¡Interesantísimo!; muy, muy interesante.
Lo primero un cordial saludo para el bravo pueblo serbio baluarte de Europa a quien Dios guarde muchos años.
Señora o señorita Dijana; con su venia y aún desviándonos un poco del tema principal que Vd amablemente nos anuncia me gustaria ofrecerle la siguiente disertación para que Vd vea las antiguas relaciones que existian entre la Península Ibérica y la región en torno al Danubio tomando como ejemplo el término Smederevska Palanka que figura en el título de su artículo.
Dada su gran erudición Dra Dzomba estoy seguro que estará al tanto de esta pequeña aportación y quizás sea interesante para alguno de los lectores de este prestigioso portal.
Como Vd sabrá en la Península Ibérica existian dos ciudades con el nombre de Pallantia; la mas conocida la Pallantia junto al rio Carrión llamada aún hoy en dia Palencia y la otra la Pallantia que devino a Palenzuela junto al rio Arlanza.
Pues bien las Pallantias de nuestra península están en relación directa con su Palanka del Danubio ya que tribus celtas procedentes de dicho área se instalaron en la Meseta Norte de la Península Ibérica fundando ciudades con nombres que recuerdan sus lugares de procedencia como habitualmente suelen hacer los conquistadores.
Las gentes que realizaron ese prodigioso viaje desde los Balcanes hasta la Península Ibérica fueron conocidos como Arévacos y Vacceos -VAC- pueblo de indudable estirpe celta.
Otros grupos se asentaron en Bélgica siendo conocidos como los Belovacos.
No cabe duda alguna que el nombre Pallantia-Palanka poseia para estas gentes una gran importancia ya que existen también varias Palankas balcánicas: la Palanka junto al rio Iassenitza, la Palanka junto al Danubio , la Palanka entre los rios Karos y Danubio y la Palanka junto al rio Latorcza -por cierto término muy parecido al riojano de Laturce- y colindante al terreno arévaco si la memoria no me falla.
Algunos han negado la celticidad de tal término por la conservación de la P inicial véase la enorme controversia del Lusitano pero para no meternos en demasiados berenjenales es mejor dejar el asunto en este punto.
Disculpe Vd querida amiga esta pequeña disertación pero es que me ha llamado mucho la atención el bellísimo nombre de Smederevska Palanka y ahora como no pasamos a comentar el interesante artículo que aqui nos presenta; el gran hallazgo del afamado Dr Sosic.
Dado mi deplorable inglés pido disculpas por adelantado si interpreto algún dato mal; sorprende la gran altura del individuo aunque bien sabido es que los yugoeslavos siempre se han caracterizado por su extraordinaria estatura -véanse sus grandes triunfos en baloncesto-181 cm debian de hacer de este hombre un auténtico gigante para la época.
Lamentablemente tal condición no le eximió a lo que parece de una vida dura y sacrificada se habla de trabajos forzados o quizás de un humilde campesino.
En fin me ha gustado mucho el artículo y es increible la cantidad de datos que pueden extraerse de un esqueleto.
Señora Dzomba un cordial saludo que hago extensivo a toda su nación Само слога Србина спашава
You are right Mr.Servan, I was not precise enough,
I gave only a hypothesis about mycrocephaly,
with skeletal remains that they had been available to study.
Great regards from Serbia,thank You, very, very, much Mr.Victor Augusto Arminio!
My dear colleague Nenad Šošić , this finding published in the Scribd.
Yes,this man from Golobok,was very high with very small head.
In this case I doubt even the Marfan syndrome, but I don't had all the bones of the hand to prove the "spider's" fingers,but I have in this case:abnormalities of the torax,curvature of the spine,and clavicles are extremely small for such robust man.
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