Red social de Arqueologos e Historiadores
Photos: THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/Boris Grdanoski
Al noroeste de la capital Macedonia de Skopje, en el la antigua ciudad romana de Skupi, las arqueólogas Lence Jovanovska y Marina Oncevska, encontraron una estatua de mármol de tamaño natural de 1,70 mts. de altura, de la diosa romana del amor y la belleza, Venus. Datada entre los siglos II y III de nuestra era.
Pertenece al tipo de “Venus Púdica”, así denominada porque con su mano se cubre las ingles. En su pierna izquierda presenta un delfín grabado, animal asociado al mito de su nacimiento. La pieza fue encontrada durante los trabajos de excavación de una basílica cristiana primitiva, en la zona de los baños.
(2) 'Shy Venus' found in Skupi
Vía: Macedonia, 10 de julio de 2008
A natural human sized sculpture of the famous "Shy Venus" with a very high level of craftsmanship was discovered earlier today at Archeological site 'Skupi', near Skopje.
Preliminary results showed the sculpture dates back to the 2nd century.
Next to the 'Shy Venus' sculpture, the team of Macedonian Archeologists discovered a Dolphin, a known Venus' attribute.
Acording to archeologist Lence Jovanovska, who together with Marina Oncevska, heads the current research efforts, says this sculpture can easily be the main attraction in the Galleries of the most famous Museums.
"We expected a great find like this, because Skupi had the highest rank of the early Roman Period. With this find, we confirmed our expectations, but also the Government's funding in this research, which this year is spread into two sectors. We work east from the Kardo street, and in the north east section of the city. The sculpture was discovered in the east section, where near by we found a Basilic.
Now we are working on conservation of 'Shy Venus', says Jovanovska, not being able to hide her joy of the great find. "We are hoping our citizens will see the sculpture by the end of this year at Skopje City Museum.
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