Descubren en Egipto la tumba de Ken Amun (XIX Dinastía) jefe de los registros reales

Foto por gentileza de © Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades (CSA)

Los arqueólogos egipcios han descubierto una tumba de la dinastía XIX (1315-1201 a.C.) con el sarcófago del encargado de los documentos reales de esta época, en la ciudad de Ismailia, al este de El Cairo, informó hoy un comunicado oficial.

Fuente: EFE, El Cairo, 14 de abril de 2010

Según una nota del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades (CSA), otras 35 tumbas del periodo romano (entre los siglos I y IV) han sido halladas en la zona de Tell el-Maskhuta, en Ismailia.

El ataúd, de piedra caliza, contiene inscripciones por dentro y por fuera sobre su propietario, "Ken Amun", y su esposa "Isis", que trabajaba como cantante para el dios "Atum".

Además, cuenta con dibujos de escenas funerarias y sobre los cargos que ocupaba el fallecido.

La tumba que contenía el ataúd fue hallada cuatro metros bajo tierra.

Los arqueólogos creen que la tumba puede formar parte de un cementerio de más importancia entre un canal de Ismailiya y la carretera que une El Cairo con esta ciudad.

Este hallazgo se considera de gran envergadura, porque ofrecerá a los arqueólogos información sobre la historia del Delta del Nilo y de la entrada este de Egipto, añadió el texto.

En cuanto a las tumbas romanas, éstas han sido halladas en una etapa de la tierra más reciente de la otra que contenía el ataúd de la dinastía XIX.

Los arqueólogos descubrieron, asimismo, una fachada de piedra caliza que tiene inscripciones en egipcio antiguo sobre uno de los reyes de la dinastía XIX, cuyo nombre todavía se desconoce.


New Tomb Discovered in Ismailia

By Dr.

A new tomb was discovered by an SCA mission at Tell el-Maskhuta in the Ismailia governate, announced Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture. The tomb dates to the 19th Dynasty (1315-1201 BC), is constructed of mud brick and consists of a rectangular room with a domed ceiling made of stone, and a deep square-shaped shaft. The interior is decorated with scenes depicting the owner of the tomb, whose name was Ken-Amun.

Foto: The newly discovered tomb, shown with the 35 Roman Period tombs nearby. © SCA.

Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, reported that this is the first Ramesside tomb to be discovered in Lower Egypt. The tomb is very high quality, and is beautifully decorated and inscribed with scenes known from the Ramesside Period, added Dr. Hawass. In addition to this tomb, the excavation has found 35 tombs dated to the Roman Period.

The excavation discovered a limestone stela inscribed with hieroglyphs containing the name of the capital of the Hyksos, Avaris (Het-Waret). The stela depicts the god Set in front of a king of Dynasty 19, whose name is not written. This stela shows the relationship between the site at Tell el-Maskhuta and the Hyksos capital Avaris, located at Tell el-Daba in Sharqiya.

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Maqsud, the supervisor of the Department of Antiquities of Lower Egypt, said there was a large limestone sarcophagus found inside the tomb that belonged to the owner, Ken-Amun. He was the overseer of the royal records during the 19th Dynasty. The sarcophagus contained inscriptions on its inner and outer surfaces. The tomb walls were inscribed with the titles of the deceased and the name of his wife, Isis, who was a singer of the god Atum.

The tomb is decorated in sunken relief with different religious and funerary scenes; the most important scenes were one from the Book of the Dead Chapter 125, as well as one of women mourning the dead. Other important scenes include a depiction of the goddess Hathor in the shape of a cow, emerging from the Delta marshes, as well as a scene of the four sons of Horus. The scenes and titles in the tomb show that Ken-Amun was an important man, who was in charge of keeping the royal records.

Foto: Interior decoration of the tomb, showing a scene from Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead. © SCA.

The discovery of this tomb will provide information about the history of the Delta and the geography of the area, as well as the relationship between this area and the eastern border of Egypt. Excavations will continue at the site, and conservation and restoration work will begin at the tomb, and the tomb and its scenes will be completely documented and registered, under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Abdel Maqsud.

Tell el-Maskhuta is located in the Wadi Tumilat near the eastern branch of the Nile that connects with the Suez Canal. When the Suez Canal was being constructed, many sphinx statues of Ramesses II and stelae were found. It is known that the ancient city at Tell el-Maskhuta contained a settlement in the Ramesside Period with a temple for Atum. It also contained a garrison, which stored supplies to equip the ancient Egyptian army before they went east to the border on their military campaigns.

Visitas: 859

Comentario por maria luisa amarante seijas el abril 15, 2010 a las 6:19pm
quisiera saber si éstos últimos descubrimientos tienen como soporte la actividad de sátelites ?????
Comentario por Roberto el marzo 4, 2011 a las 11:18am
Según Hawass esta tumba ha sido completamente destruida


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