(RIB 1318, Newcastle)
El próximo verano tendrá lugar en Newcastle-upon-Tyne (la antigua Pons Aelius) la IV edición del:

Practical Epigraphy Workshop

The British Epigraphy Society organises a short workshop each year on the practical skills needed for studying epigraphic documents at first hand. A knowledge of these skills is essential for those who plan to work in the field or in museum collections, but is equally indispensable for those consulting published editions of inscriptions for research purposes. A key component of the course is hands-on experience in making drawings, photographs, and squeezes of real inscriptions, and fostering an appreciation for finer points of detail which can only be observed at first hand.

The workshop takes place across three days in late June or early July, and is hosted by a different institution each year. The next workshop is scheduled to take place in Newcastle, on 22-24 June 2010.

The course is aimed primarily at graduate students but we welcome applications from other interested parties. It is an ideal preparation for the more extensive international summer school which is organised by the BES roughly every three years.

For further information and to register an interest in the next Practical Epigraphy Workshop please contact Dr. Charlotte Tupman (charlotte.tupman @ kcl.ac.uk)

Provisional programme:

Roger Tomlin (Oxford), Charles Crowther (Oxford), Graham Oliver (Liverpool), Charlotte Tupman (KCL).

Day One
14.00-15.00: Registration and Introductions
15.00-15.30: Plenary session: "Making the Most of Museum Time"
15.30-16.30: Practical sessions in two groups: Group A: squeeze-making; Group B: photography
16.30-17.00: Tea & cake, students introduced to personal inscriptions.
17.00-18.00: Practical sessions in two groups: A: photography; B: drawing
18.00-19.00: Plenary Session: Working in museums in Britain and overseas
20.00: Course Dinner

Day Two
09.00-10.00: Practical sessions in two groups: A: drawing; B: squeeze-making.
10.00-10.30: Plenary Session: Demonstration of lettering in stone
10.30-11.00: Tea / coffee & biscuits
11.00-13.00: Hands-on practical session I
13.00-14.00: Sandwich lunch
14.00-15.30: Hands-on practical session II
15.30-16.00: Tea / coffee & cake
17.30-19.00: Public lecture

Day Three
09.00-13.00: Participants' presentations (open to BES / public).
(There will be a short break for tea / coffee & biscuits at the half-way point).
13.00: Lunch / close.


(Lecturas preparatorias y desarrollo de los trabajos)

Before the Workshop: Preparatory Reading
In advance of the Workshop we ask participants to complete some brief preparatory reading:

Bodel, J., (ed.), 2001, Epigraphic Evidence. Ancient History from Inscriptions, Routledge, London & New York: ch. 1 (Bodel).

Keppie, L.J.F., 1991 or 2001, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, Routledge.

Woodhead, A.G., 1981, The Study of Greek Inscriptions, 2ed., CUP.

We will also assign to each participant an inscription with a problem to elucidate through autopsy of a stone (Latin option) or squeeze (Greek option). Participants will be asked to study their assigned inscriptions in advance and:
a. collect the basic information required for the presentation (see below);
b. (most importantly) identify problems that can be resolved best through autopsy.

During the Workshop: Presentation

On the final day of the workshop each participant will be asked to give a brief (= five-minutes) presentation of the inscription he or she has been studying to the rest of the group. The contents should include:

i. a brief summary of the inscription studied (provenance, date, contents, significance);
ii. a summary of problems of reading / interpretation;
iii. what the study of the stone or squeeze contributed to the resolution of these problems.

We will aim to provide participants with at least one Powerpoint image to use in their presentations.

After the Workshop: Write-up
Immediately after the workshop we will ask participants to produce a written version of the presentation for inclusion on the BES web-site.

We anticipate that the programme and other details will be finalised by the end of October. Course fees are likely to be in the region of £70 - £90 but we hope to be able to offer a number of generous bursaries.

Further information will be displayed on this page as soon as it is available.

Organising Committee: Dr Peter Haarer (Chair), Dr Charles Crowther, Dr Charlotte Tupman.


Además: Resúmenes de las ediciones I y II:

Las inscripciones estudiadas y redactadas por cada participante en Caerleon, 2007, y en York, 2008 (ésta trae algunos enlaces de interés). Todas son de la catalogación principal de Collingwood-Wright Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB), parcialmente en red en este conocido portal.

Visitas: 139


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