Red social de Arqueologos e Historiadores
The Digital Karnak Project aims to make the ancient Egyptian site of Karnak more accessible to students and instructors in the English-speaking world. The features of the website have been designed to provide college classrooms (and the interested public) with easily accessible, up-to-date, expert material relating to the temple precinct. As part of this goal, a 3-D Virtual Reality model of the temple was constructed, offering students a completely new way to view the temple: reign-by-reign, following the complex patterns of royal construction, modification and destruction that are now obscured by the latest building phases at the site. Footage of this model, as well as original videos and maps, are accompanied by thematic essays written and reviewed by Egyptologists to supply students and instructors with reliable information in a digital and visually dynamic platform. A simplified version of the Virtual Reality model of the temple is also made available in Google Earth, for a completely interactive experience.
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Arqueologia, Historia Antigua y Medieval - Terrae Antiqvae
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Terrae Antiqvae® is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.
Información legal: Terrae Antiqvae® es Marca registrada por José Luis Santos Fernández. Marca nº 2.679.154 - Clase 41, Madrid, España. Reservados todos los Derechos. En Internet desde Julio de 2001.
Normas de la Comunidad (Aviso Legal): Netiqueta - Términos de servicio
© 2025 Creado por José Luis Santos Fernández. Tecnología de
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