Red social de Arqueologos e Historiadores
Una videoguida per immagini e ricostruzioni virtuali 3D ai 12 più importanti siti archeologici dell'Egitto antico.
Ancient Egypt in 3D is a virtual exploration of the architectural wonders built by the pharaohs, and of other monuments in the Nile Valley. From the terraced Pyramid of Djoser to the Alexandria Lighthouse of the Ptolemaic age, the program reconstructs, in 3D and in all their polychromy, buildings that are nowadays highly ruined, or have totally disappeared after Napoleon's Campaign to Egypt at the end of the XVIII century.
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Arqueologia, Historia Antigua y Medieval - Terrae Antiqvae
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Terrae Antiqvae® is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.
Información legal: Terrae Antiqvae® es Marca registrada por José Luis Santos Fernández. Marca nº 2.679.154 - Clase 41, Madrid, España. Reservados todos los Derechos. En Internet desde Julio de 2001.
Normas de la Comunidad (Aviso Legal): Netiqueta - Términos de servicio
© 2025 Creado por José Luis Santos Fernández. Tecnología de
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