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Los hallazgos son importantes porque la zona sufrió un terremoto en tiempos antiguos, además de una fuerte erosión que ha deteriorado la piedra.
Fuente: National Geographic, 30 de diciembre de 2015
El Proyecto de Investigación Gebel Elselsela, dirigido por Maria Nilsson, de la Universidad de Lund (Suecia), ha descubierto relieves intactos y seis estatuas talladas en la roca dentro de las capillas 30 y 31 de la zona arqueológica de Gebel Elselsela, al norte de Asuán, según informa el Ministerio de Antigüedades de Egipto.
Todavía no hay información sobre los relieves, en los que aparecen sentados el propietario de la tumba y su mujer, con la mano apoyada en el hombro derecho de su marido. La misma postura se observa en dos de las estatuas, fechadas en el Imperio Nuevo (1550-1070 a.C. aproximadamente). En este caso, el propietario de la tumba aparece en posición osiríaca, con los brazos cruzados sobre el pecho y con una peluca que le llega hasta los hombros. La mujer coloca la mano izquierda en el hombro de su marido y la derecha bajo el pecho.
Las cuatro estatuas restantes, halladas en la parte posterior de la capilla 31, representan a Neferkhewe, supervisor de las tierras extranjeras durante el reinado de Tutmosis III, a su esposa, a su hijo y a su hija.
Los hallazgos en las capillas 30 y 31 de Gebel Elselsela son importantes, según el ministro El Damati, porque la zona sufrió un terremoto en tiempos antiguos, además de una fuerte erosión que ha deteriorado la piedra. La misión arqueológica sueca continuará con los trabajos en la zona, tratando de realizar nuevos hallazgos en las 32 capillas de Gebel Elselsela.
Ministry of Antiquities
Press Office
Six New Kingdom Statues Found in Aswan
Antiquities Minister Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty announced today the discovery of 6 rock cut statues inside the chapels 30 and 31 in Gebel Elselsela Area- North Aswan. The discovery was made during the excavation works performed by Lund University Mission - Sweden headed by Dr. Maria Nilsson and Dr. John Ward.
Eldamaty said that this is an important discovery because Gebel Elselsela was subjected to an earthquake in ancient times beside the erosion effects which made it completely covered with huge blocks, a situation that lead "Caminos" an Egyptologist to report Chapel 30 as totally demolished. However, the mission succeeded in terminating the cleaning and survey works inside the two chapels and uncover the statues.
On the other hand, Dr. Mahmoud Afifi, Head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities said that the six statues date back to the New Kingdom Era, two of them were found at the rear of chapel 30 and they are the statues of the tomb owner and his wife seated on a chair. The tomb owner is represented in the Osirian position, his arms crossed over his chest and wearing a shoulder length hair wig. The wife on the other hand is represented putting her left arm on her husband's shoulder while her left arm on her chest.
The other four statues, added Afifi, were found at the rear of chapel 31 and they belong to "neferkhewe", Overseer of the Foreign Lands during the reign of "Thutmosis III", his wife, his daughter and son.
Finally, General Manager of Aswan Archaeological Area, Nasr Salama said that the Swedish Mission which started its work in 2012 will continue its excavation works in the area trying to discover more inside the 32 chapels of Gelbel Elselsela, emphasizing the importance of this area in particular because it was where the blocks used in building the temples were cut from.
© Ministry of Antiquities, Press Office
Wrote Asmaa Mostafa
Translated by: Eman Hossni
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