Descubren en Abusir (Egipto) la tumba de la princesa Shert Nebty de la V dinastía

Las autoridades egipcias han anunciado el descubrimiento del patio de la tumba (AS 68) de una princesa faraónica, llamada Shert Nebty, perteneciente a la V dinastía (2465-2323 a.C.). En un comunicado, el ministro egipcio de Antigüedades, Mohamed Ibrahim, explicó que fueron arqueólogos checos quienes efectuaron el hallazgo en la zona monumental de Abusir, en el sur de la provincia de Giza, a 30 kilómetros de El Cairo.

Fuente: EFE, El Cairo |, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Dentro del patio hay cuatro pilares con inscripciones jeroglíficas, que aluden al nombre de la princesa como "la hija del rey, su querida, la bendecida ante el gran Dios, Shert Nebty".

En el sur del lugar, se ha encontrado un pasillo que conduce a la entrada de cuatro tumbas esculpidas en la roca, de las que dos pertenecen, según las inscripciones halladas en ellas, al "gran responsable de justicia en la gran casa, Shebs Bu Betah" y la otra al "supervisor de los sirvientes del palacio, Dua Betah".

Esas dos tumbas datan de la era del rey Guid Ka Rá Asisi de la V dinastía, mientras que las otras dos aún están siendo exploradas por la misión checa.

Entre las entradas de las cuatro tumbas, se encontraron, además, cuatro sepulcros de caliza con estatuas de hombres y mujeres.

5th Dynasty Princess’ tomb discovered in Abu Sir


Source: Luxor Times, SATURDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2012

Dr. Mohamed Ibahim, Minister State of Antiquities, announced the discovery of a court yard of a tomb dated to the Old Kingdom “second half of the fifth Dynasty” ca. 2500 B.C, of Princess “Shert Nebty”. The court yard has 4 limestone pillars with hieroglyphics inscriptions on the southern side of the name and titles of the Princess including “The Daughter of the King, The dignified in front of the great God and Shert Nebty”. Also the remains of a false door were found bearing parts of the Princess titles.

The Minister described the discovery made by the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague under the supervision of Dr. Miroslav Barta, as a new chapter of the history of the burials in Abu Sir and Sakkara as the court yard was discovered in the southern part of the cemetery in which there are tombs for non royals and about 2 kilo meters north of the 5th Dynasty cemeteries in the centre of Abu Sir necropolis.

The mission also discovered a corridor extend from the East Southern corner of the court yard towards East. The southern wall of the court yard has 4 tomb entrances carved and so far two tombs were discovered belong to 2 high officials, one of them bears the title “The Justice representative in the big house” and the other “The Palace servants supervisor” and both tombs can be dated to the time of King “Djedkare Isesi”.

Dr. Miroslav Barta, The head of the Czech mission said that the other two tombs are being excavated during the current season. One of them for an official called “Nefer” who bears the title of “The supervisor of the Scribers” and a false door plus 3 limestone statues of him as an inscriber were found as well as a fourth statue of him and hi wife "Hathor Nefer".

Between the tombs entrances, 4 huge limestone sarcophagi were found with traces of colours and contain a statue of a man, statue of a man with his son and 2 statues of men with a woman. All carved skillfully.

Visitas: 2131

Comentario por José Luis Santos Fernández el noviembre 10, 2012 a las 11:29am

Nuevas imágenes del hallazgo, por gentileza de © Martin Frouz de Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze.


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