Flora Chavez
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Spanish and Latino student association

Photo: latin legal terms and phrases

Do not you ever envy the guys who get the girls because they can dance? And do not you ever envy the girls who get whisked away at the beginning of every song? Salsa is the name of the sensual Latin dance, which is sweeping the nightclubs of Sydney. Like many things South American, it is rooted in history and culture. It also happens to be sexy, hot and sweaty. Coincidentally (or maybe not), SALSA is also the name of the Spanish and Latin American Student Association on campus. Established in 2002 by two UNSW undergraduate students, it has grown to be the biggest and the best club on campus. SALSA club puts on many activities for its members. The dance lessons in salsa and roda, the Cuban form of salsa, are taught on all weekdays except Fridays. These classes are informal and social. Everyone is welcome from those who want to learn or already know the dance. On Mondays and Tuesdays, the lessons are for beginners: those who do not know how to dance, but are keen to learn to impress. On Wednesday are the wheel classes, where the dancing is done in a circle and partners are switched. Thursdays are the intermediate / advanced lessons. Beginners are very welcome to come and watch the new, complex and interesting steps. Some out-of-university socials may also be held after the dance classes on Thursday nights. These usually involve dinner and more dancing. After all, what else is there to do? Usually held in the city, they go on for as long as the dance club stays open, which is usually midnight or later. These socials have been so successful that they have also extended into class times, with every last Tuesday of the month the social dance being held instead of the lessons. Everyone who is a member of SALSA can eat and have a dance with anyone else there. However, SALSA club is not just about the dance lessons. Spanish speaking sessions are held every Monday at 1pm.


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